Professional Life Coach
Breakthrough Success: Results Coaching for Personal Development That Works
In today’s world, economic success and personal development are deeply intertwined. This is a good thing, but it comes with a number of challenges that we each owe it to ourselves to address in a serious and practical way. That’s why, here at Breakthrough Success in Vancouver, WA – our team and founder, Charles Verdugo, have developed a Professional Life Coach and Personal Development Coach system designed to deliver results.
We call it Results Coaching. But what is results coaching?
Results Coaching is our own system for equipping you with a situational awareness of the obstacles that are holding you back from achieving your goals. It is a three-stage system wherein you will learn to create a strategy for success, develop a mindset to apply those tools into the foreseeable future and beyond, and to put these components into practice in a sustainable way.
Our goal is to tackle critical roadblocks to your forward progress, whether those roadblocks are internal, external, or a combination of both. Unlike traditional counseling, we are not interested in curating permanent patients. We are interested in taking on whatever stands in your way in a practical and practicable way, giving you the wisdom and the skills to be permanently empowered.
Here at Breakthrough Success, our Personal Development system is based on the proven tools, techniques, and ways of thinking developed by Charles Verdugo. The number one financial wellness expert and certified life coach in SW Washington and Oregon. Charles has a proven track record for results and has developed a template for powerful personal transformation. You will receive our core lessons from the teachings from one of the top respected thought leaders in personal development and professional empowerment and distilled them into a powerful and concise teaching system that is changing lives and making a difference right now.
We call it “results coaching” for a reason. Put simply, we are interested in results. We are interested in changing lives, making a difference and passing these skills on. We break from tradition in one way- we’re not looking to keep you on an endless treadmill of counseling, excuse-making, failure, and more counseling. As a culture, and as a people we have had enough of that.
Results coaching is designed to deliver results that you can build on. Because success breeds success, and emotional and mental wellbeing breeds more of the same. We will give you tools and insights to achieve breakthrough results that you can build on- making you unstoppable as you move through one obstacle to the next.
If you’re ready to get to the root of what’s holding you back, get in touch with Breakthrough Success today.
Let’s make a difference together!